A Focus on Women’s Health

Strength and the ability to recover from significant life events are at the core of women’s health. Miscarriage, cesarian birth, abortion, and the post-partum period all deserve the time and care necessary to return to structural well-being. Encouraging the body to come back into balance with bodywork does not need to be harsh or painful but can be gentle, rejuvenating, and inspire long-lasting relief.

To support these significant life events is a new modality we provide: Rejuvenating Women’s Therapy.

In a Rejuvenating Women’s Therapy Session, Boketto Practitioner, Pasha Kat Yuen, addresses your specific concerns through evaluation, targeted manual therapy, and checking on the relationships of your trouble areas to the rest of the body.

What is a session like?

The focus is on the abdomen which contains nearly all of the body’s major organs and affects immunity, digestion, mental health, circadian rhythms, reproductive health, etc. and so requires rejuvenation and maintenance, much like the rest of our bodies. 

With warm herbs applied to the abdomen and moving out towards your other areas of concern, Pasha strategically works to soften and calm the body from the core while working with you towards whole body balance. Manipulation of the structures around the uterus and major abdominal organs, as well as the craniosacral system which involves the brain, spinal cord, membranes and fluids protecting your nerves provides a foundation for the whole body to self-regulate and re-establish homeostasis. 

Sessions include traditional abdominal massage, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, herbal compresses, stretching & targeted massage techniques to address the rest of the body including CBD cream, muscle balm, range of motion & fire cupping. 

Would I benefit from Rejuvenating Women’s Therapy?

Designed to support anyone experiencing nervous system dysregulation, digestive dysfunction, trouble recovering from surgery or surgical complications, chronic conditions not addressed by other bodywork, hormonal imbalance, emotional difficulties that present in the body and especially anyone who has experienced reproductive organ and pelvic pain, disease or surgery— women any age from their first period through post-menopause are perfect candidates for this therapy.

Rejuvenating Women’s Therapy is also appropriate for anyone who has given birth, no matter how long ago, including: miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, caesarian and vaginal births.  

What conditions does Rejuvenating Women’s Therapy address?

Depression/anxiety, painful periods, endometriosis, PMS/PMDD, postpartum depression, birth, miscarriage, abortion, perimenopause, menopause, hip imbalance or tightness, central nervous system disorders, chronic fatigue, headaches and migraines, low back pain, post-traumatic stress, digestive disorders and imbalances, sciatica, shallow breathing, chest tightness, breast health concerns, et al.

How many sessions should I schedule?

The recommended course of care is made based on your specific condition and goal. On average 3-6 sessions address many typical concerns. To support the work at Boketto, Pasha helps you create a plan to support your daily habits through diet, herbal infusions, personal care practices and recommendations for different types of bodywork or other kinds of practitioners if indicated.

Do you provide postpartum or infant care?

Pasha works with clients from conception through birth and into caring for a newborn, and creating a series of sessions that support you and baby through the fourth trimester.

New Mothers (again)
  • Reducing stress and tension in the body, which can improve overall health and well-being
  • Relieving headaches, back pain, and other physical symptoms related to pregnancy and childbirth
  • Helping to release emotional and physical stress related to the birthing process
  • Supporting the healing process after childbirth


  • Improving the function of the central nervous system, which can help with conditions such as colic, reflux, and difficulty breastfeeding
  • Relieving stress and tension in the body, which can improve sleep and reduce irritability
  • Helping to release birth trauma and any restrictions caused by the birthing process
  • Alleviating symptoms associated with conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome
  • Improving cranial symmetry and overall balance and integration within the body


Book with Pasha here

We’re excited about Pasha focusing her practice on caring for women throughout the different stages of life. Through these new offerings we’re expanding the ways we can support the Boketto Community.