Fullscript x Boketto

As an Acupuncturist and Functional Medicine Practitioner, I’m thrilled to now offer Fullscript— where I manage and prescribe the highest quality supplements to support our work together.

Even if you’re not a patient of mine, Fullscript might be for you. Read on!

As you know, Boketto is a small but mighty shop. So while we keep our shelves stocked with supplements that support many common conditions, oftentimes we recomend formulations that meet specific needs not available in store. Rather than special ordering them for you, and your having to make a special trip to come get them, now, through our partnership with Fullscript you can order directly from their online dispensary, and have it shipped right to you.

→ Receive personalized protocols from Jelena
→ Keep track of your prescription history
→ Automatic discounted pricing applied
→ Free shipping on orders over $50
→ Autoship option available


Fullscript has a catalogue of Professional-grade and quality-tested products that are handled and shipped in climate-controlled environments. Why does climate-control matter? How supplements are stored can significantly impact their quality. You may have heard that supplements are “a waste.” That’s because the proliferation of low quality, poorly handled supplements in the market now. We did the homework and Fullscript is different. From the brands they choose to carry to how they maintain distribution.

Whatever you choose, when shopping for supplements online, inquire not only about their quality, suitability and potency— but the care taken to keep them stored so they remain safe and effective BEFORE they’re in your hands.


As a client of Jelena’s you should receive an email and/or text from Fullscript— follow the prompts to create your account.

If you did not receive an invitation, simply use any of the buttons on this page or go to: us.fullscript.com/welcome/boketto to register.

Once you are logged in, you can to access your personal protocol, or add recommended supplements/products from their catalog.

Now you’re registered. So easy! If you prefer using an iOS mobile app, search “Fullscript” in the Apple Store to download and sign-in using your credentials. Sorry, the App isn’t available for Android at this time.