Team Boketto
Boketto wouldn’t be half as fun, let alone thrive, without this team of talented women. Each brings creativity, compassion, intelligence and acumen to the table on the reg.
Christina Lyon

Multi-passionate, multi-hyphenate and lover of all things woo, Christina is a true Gemini: highly intuitive and chatty. With a background in psychology and a passion for holistic wellness, it's no wonder she’s a yoga & meditation teacher, an integrative nutrition health coach, and an astrologer— oh, and Boketto Shop Girl extraordinaire! Next time you visit hit her up for the latest astro 411.
Kelley Farlow
Grace Levy

A Sagittarius with a big heart and an even bigger personality! Grace is currently studying addictions and counseling psychology as well as gender and women studies at VCU. You can catch them biking around town when they aren’t at Boketto (or modeling!).
Kelley Farlow
It’s an understatement to say Kelley is a polymath. In addition to shop-girling at Boketto, she’s a Certified Sound Healing Practitioner, works as an Expressive Therapist, freelances as Creative and Holistic Wellness Blogger, and is a damn-fine 35mm Film + Digital Photographer. She graces the shop with all these talents and then some.
@kelleyfarlowphotoCaralise Poole-Frazer
Caralise Poole-Frazer
Bio coming soon!