Reiki, pronounced "Ray-Kee," is an ancient Japanese healing technique that promotes balance, healing, and harmony within the body, mind and spirit. It addresses the root causes of mental, physical, and emotional ailments, such as stress, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and much more. By balancing the body's energy centers and restoring optimal frequencies, Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It dissolves stagnant energy blocks and releases physical and emotional trauma while nourishing and strengthening the body on all levels.
During a session, Reiki is channeled through the hands of your practitioner and into your body and energy field, allowing you to experience deep relaxation, inner peace, improved emotional well-being, and increased overall vitality. Reiki can be shared through touch or no touch at all, whichever you prefer. Sessions are specifically tailored to each individual person by intuitive guidance for what is needed at the time.
Reiki Treatments and Trainings at Boketto are held seasonally, and are shared on our Instagram, via our Newsletter and published on our Events & Education page.