Vote Forward Letter Writing Event
Boketto once again is partnering with Vote Forward to increase participation in our democracy through writing to underrepresented voters. On 13 October, 11-3pm we’ll be hosting an in-person letter writing event at the shop.
In 2020 & 2022, thanks to the Boketto Community, our Vote Forward partnership brought awareness and heart to get Americans to the polls. In the shop (and virtually across the country), hand writing to fellow citizens makes a difference in turnout. And this year the “down-ballot” races are scarily competitive.

There are so many reasons to show up and vote every election, but as polls show, this year is exceptionally tight. Add that MAGA voters are very enthused about their prospects in 2024, making this year's races tense.
As Americans we have an opinion on who to vote for, and who will be a better leader. And! Our main objective with this Event is to Get Out the Vote (GOTV) no matter your chosen candidate. Working together, we’ll write letters to underrepresented voters and send them when they will have the biggest impact.
On October 13, 2024 11-3pm we’ll be hosting an in-person letter writing event at the shop.
All the materials you need will be there at the ready (scripts, paper, pens envelope and stamps) JOIN US! And, for those not able to attend, we can digitally send you a kit that connects you with underrepresented voters.
You don't have to be a Virginia resident to write letters. The tone of the letter is to encourage voting, NOT a candidate. In fact campaigning for a candidate is strongly discouraged. Vote Forward letters use nonpartisan language to encourage voting. Period.
Participation in every election is critical to the health of our democracy. We’re learning this the hard way, ay? Again, join us live or virtually. Put a calendar reminder for the 13th, now. OR reach out to be set up with a voter kit. You will receive 20 voters, which should take 60 minutes time to connect with.