5 Ways to Curb Indigestion

Indigestion is a common problem that affects many people. It stems from a range of digestive issues, caused by eating or drinking. Although indigestion is common, each person may experience different symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and belching.

Common causes of indigestion include eating too fast and consuming too much; things we are all often guilty of when it comes to celebrating Thanksgiving. The stomach has a natural stopping point when eating, however, our brain sometimes ignores what our stomach is telling us and overrides what it needs.

Your digestive system has to do a lot of work on a daily basis, but Thanksgiving is even more taxing due to the large amounts of food being consumed. We have some ideas on how to protect and prepare your digestive system to best avoid apres-meal discomfort.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar Drinking The Apple Cider Vinegar by Pineapple Collaborative first thing when you wake up on Thanksgiving morning (or any morning after over doing it ;-) will be helpful in setting up your digestive system for the rest of the day. A shot in water is all you need. PS. If the thought of ACV send a chill down your spine, you havent tried this ACV, it’s truly exceptional. Tasty even!
  2. Drink water But be cautious not to over do it, or drink too much too fast. Your stomach filled with water, won’t help you out with feeling too full. 
  3. Probiotics  As you probably already know, probiotics are important for maintaining balance in your gut microbiome. But as a refresher... when your gut microbiome is full of good bacteria, it can support optimal digestion. Especially bloating. Dr. Ohhira’s Professional Grade Probiotic Capsules are the very best we’ve found.
  4. Chew your food thoroughly  This rote action is critical in keeping the digestive system running smoothly. Digestion begins in the mouth with an enzyme called salivary amylase, so if you aren’t chewing your food properly, that initial step of digestion gets hindered.
  5. Add Ginger  Research shows that ginger can increase gastric emptying, which is the ability for the body to empty food from the stomach. This is awesome for a large meal like you have on Thanksgiving! Ginger has also been shown to be helpful for acid reflux symptoms, you can nibble on it fresh or steep, like you would a tea.
  6. Pack a hail Mary post-meal supplement  One that combines herbs like Ginger to break up gas, Chamomile and DGL Licorice to promote digestive comfort, Marshmallow Root to help protect the lining of the stomach, and Artichoke Leaf to promote the digestive process. Gentle Bowel Movement Support by Hilma  combines 4 natural ingredients to help keep you keep things moving, without a harsh laxative effect. The formula works by combining Magnesium Citrate with herbs like Ginger Root and Anise to promote digestive comfort. The formula also includes Bitter Orange which is thought to promote digestion and decrease stagnation in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  7. Relax As a rule, you shouldn’t beat yourself up over one day overdoing it. The first step to feeling less pain and discomfort physically is to feel good mentally. 
  8. Sip on herbs Brew a post meal Soothing Digestion Tonic, or sip on it throughout the day. The powdered tonic by Rasananda Ayurveda affects all layers of tissue in the body specifically targeting areas of inflammation— particularly the digestive and nervous systems.
  9. Stay Awake Staying awake for at least two hours after you eat to give your body time to digest.
  10. Move Take a walk. It will help with GI motility and with reducing high blood glucose levels and besides, the fresh air can also increase mood and energy levels.
  11. Reset There’s no need to try to overcompensate by fasting or only eating salad greens. Getting back to your regular eating routine is the best thing you can do.