Massage + Bodywork

Touch is an important aspect in healing, especially through massage + bodywork. Much more than just relaxing, our natural instincts turn to these modalities in moments of need. This is the reason that you self-massage sore muscles. Our offerings address the physical and energetic bodies, and come in a variety of lengths and styles— which means that even with a hectic lifestyle you can take advantage of these health-boosting techniques.

We also offer Women- and Baby-focused bodywork services, here.


Through massage, our therapists activate the natural healing process of the body, as well as restores physical and emotional well-being. Whether it's meridian massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, or prenatal facilitating movement through gentle or strong pressure is an effective way to manage pain and ease tension— as well as aid in stress and anxiety reduction.

When applicable, Cupping, Moxa, Gua Sha, and Acupressure are available and included in every bodywork session. If you’re interested in learning about what might be beneficial for you during your treatment, let us know during your intake.

60 minutes / $155
Series of 6, $818 (Reg $930)

90 minutes / $220
Series of 6, $1152 (Reg $1320)

All prices include gratuity

For pelvic imbalance, digestive dysfunction, surgery recovery, postpartum care, miscarriage and IUD removal. By taking time and care to gently release and reset the center of the body, abdominal massage rejuvenates the major organs, nerves, lower back, spine, digestive system, and frees tension patterns around the entire body. Sessions take place on the mat with lots of pillows, bolsters and blankets to ensure warmth while compresses and oils that are specifically formulated to increase abdomen function are used to gently soften the layers and bring balance to the core. Conditions that may benefit from a focused abdominal session are: abdominal surgery, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, depression, hip imbalance or tightness, incontinence, indigestion, IUD removal, low back pain, painful digestion, PMS, previous pregnancy - including c-section births, vaginal births, miscarriages, abortions; restriction in deep breathing, swelling or tightness in the legs.
60 minutes / $155
Series of 6, $818 (Reg $930)

90 minutes / $220
Series of 6, $1152 (Reg $1320)

All prices include gratuity

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle yet deeply profound hands-on method of working with the body to disperse the effects of stress. Our practitioner specializes in women’s wellbeing with experience across the vast array of concerns that can be addressed with CST. By releasing the soft tissue structures surrounding the brain and spinal cord, this technique enhances the flow of cerebral spinal fluid which nourishes, protects, and bathes the structures of your nervous system.

90 minutes / $220
Series of 6, $1152 (Reg $1320)

60 minutes / $155
Series of 6, $818 (Reg $930)

All prices include gratuity
Coming Soon (June)


Meet Malia Egdell

Malia practice focuses on the holistic exploration of how the structures of the body relate to each other in the pursuit for release and balance. Sessions flow between many techniques that are guided by the client’s body in the moment and by Malia’s' years of experience and wisdom.

Malia has an extensive background working with clients seeking relief from injuries and pain, as well as those in need of deep relaxation. She’s passionate about abdominal therapy, mobility and movement, cupping therapy, and massage for head and neck. 


Meet Pasha Kat Yuen

Pasha is a therapeutic bodyworker specializing in women’s health and the precious time surrounding pregnancy and birth. A seasoned therapeutic bodyworker, she is currently a licensed massage therapist with the Virginia Board of Nursing & the California Massage Therapy Council, with extensive continuing education from the Upledger Institute. Her work incorporates craniosacral therapy, abdominal massage, myofascial release, mouthwork, herbal compresses & fire cupping as needed to support the body through the different stages of life.



Meet Kayla Berry

Kayla’s Bio + Schedule Coming Soon (June)